How to make your solution customizable with intention

“This is built for operations people. It works for finance people, but it’s built for us to understand”

That’s one of our favorite snippets from customer feedback interviews.

Our customers love to customize – even more so than we initially may have anticipated.

And if you’ve ever Googled “how to calculate ARR”, you’ll understand why (…also, we should talk 😎 ).

Having a tool flexible enough to adjust to your specific organization’s needs can be a great asset. But it can also fail, particularly:

❌ when it requires a specialized and expensive consultant to come in and build without any in-house experts to maintain

❌ when there’s no documentation or self-serve resources to understand what and how you can customize

❌ when the point of contact has limited knowledge of customization abilities leaving you unsure if your envisioned set up provides the best ROI for your needs

So instead of feeling empowered, users feel overwhelmed or under prepared for the amount of customization options available and the implementation process stretches out longer and longer – not a great experience.

💡 My recommendation? Take the time to ensure that any recommended mapping, filter and other methods of customization are intentional and thought out while also providing the sturdy foundation that shows your value right out of the box.

With ForecaaS Software’s ARRow being Salesforce native, the customization options are endless!

✅ We can easily pull your existing data directly from native fields and create custom calculations and flows to work with how you need to standardize your metrics.

✅ But we also make sure that the initial configuration is set up in a way that gives you accurate data you can start seeing and working with after just a few hours.

✅ And since Salesforce orgs typically have a Salesforce administrator already on staff, any minor customizations or tweaks can be understood and completed easily by the team on hand. (Yes! We support Flows!)

We make customization a competitive differentiator rather than a natural by-product of the build – deep knowledge, simplified processes, helpful guidance.

Got any customization wins or fails of your own?