Category: Blog

  • Whitespace… the next frontier!

    Whitespace… the next frontier!

    Maybe it’s the increasing temperatures, but the last few weeks I’ve been thinking (and posting) about what makes a solution sticky. Not in a “Ew, get it off me” way but a more indispensable “I put that stuff on everything” way. In last week’s post, I was reviewing how we help Customer Success teams get…

  • Relevance, expansion and stickiness!

    Relevance, expansion and stickiness!

    If you remember my post from last week, I talked about how you can stay sticky through a big organizational shift like a merger or an acquisition. But barring a shift like that, a similarly effective way to stay entrenched is showing how you can solve problems in other departments or areas of business. Let’s…

  • “We got bought out”!

    “We got bought out”!

    No, we didn’t 😋 … but these four little words coming from a client can send shivers down any solution provider’s spine. Cue the mad dash scramble to show your value in a desperate attempt to save the contract – not great. Because for better or worse, the decision could be made before you even…

  • Textio Success Story

    Textio Success Story

    We live for these moments… Nothing beats Customer feedback and Success Stories are so energizing! If you’ve been following the ForecaaS Software Inc. page recently, we have been running a series of posts over the last month on what it looks like to be a RevOps leader undergoing some big process changes and the ways…

  • The Price is Right… or is it?

    The Price is Right… or is it?

    Let’s talk pricing today… and more specifically how easy it is to find the pricing for a product / solution. We’ve all been there: you find a solution that looks interesting, but before engaging you want to have a rough idea of possible budget. ⏳ A couple (hundred) of clicks later, nothing, the pricing page…

  • Buying ain’t what it used to be!

    Buying ain’t what it used to be!

    There was a time where people’s first step would be to reach out to a rep at a company to learn more about what they can offer. Nowadays, by the time you officially hear from a prospect directly or through meaningful engagement, they’ve already done a plethora of research on you and the product they…