My learnings as a founder: Part 2!

I really enjoyed the feedback received after my last post, so I thought I could write a sequel to it. Here goes…

(šŸ’” First micro-tip: set smaller SMART* goals for yourself that are outside of growing revenue like, just as a ‘random’ example, … being more active on LinkedIn and engaging with all your cool connections šŸ˜„ )

Forging the path of founderhood can seem daunting, especially in the B2B SaaS space, but if youā€™ve determined that this is the path for you firstly, welcome to the club!

Hereā€™s some more learnings Iā€™ve gleaned over my years heading ForecaaS Software Inc. and ForecaaS Consulting / Services Conseils that would have been helpful to know from the start… so in case they can help anyone else, here they are:

šŸšŖ Leave the door open for the unexpected
Chances are (very high) that what you set out to do won’t work exactly as you initially planned it. But your connections, your work, and the people you help along the way may open new paths. Yes, some of these paths might be dead ends, but some can help guide you towards a moreĀ meaningful offering.
Version 1 of your business plan may quickly become v28.3 and that’s ok – don’t let your business die at itā€™s first iteration for pride and rigidity. Be open to exploring these paths and develop a method to quickly assess their potential.

šŸ¤ Don’t be a loner
Having your own business to run your way can seem like a huge benefit, especially after… ‘complicated’ work environments. But going at it alone can end up feeling quite lonely at first and it’s easy to get lost inĀ your own ways, even after your first few hires. Instead, identify key individuals that can help you reframe and expand on your ideas and act as a sounding board.
And they don’t have to be company hires – ex colleagues & bosses, family members, and even key executives working in companies that hire your business (yes your clients!) can help you form an unstructured advisory board.

šŸ”„ How you sell is a reflection of how you solve (stole that one from Pierre… thanks!)
A prospect’s first impression of you is established via the initial touchpoints of your sales cycle, and hard to reverse. If it’s a painful experience, it sets the tone for a painful project delivery afterwards.
Focus on creating a great client experience right from the start and remember: this includes the resources prospects have to self-serve and initially contact you. The more seamless those initial touchpoints and informed the first conversations are, the more confidence theyā€™ll have in your ability to help and will turbo-charge your project kick-off as a result.

Anyone else have more lessons to share? Add them in the comments!

*SMART =Ā Specific,Ā Measurable,Ā Achievable,Ā Relevant, andĀ Time-bound