Question(s) for the audience!

If you’ve been following my posts for the last few months, a recurring theme is the importance of empathy in the corporate world – for your potential buyers, end users, employees, and self as a leader.

Outside of being a founder, I’m also a human, a father, a spouse and have always carried being empathetic and altruistic as core personal values. It’s why, as a family, we have been sponsoring children through World Vision and Unicef for many years now… But that’s only a drop in the huge bucket.

⚙ It also got the wheels turning as to how to incorporate that at a deeper level at ForecaaS Software Inc. outside of customers and messaging.

That’s why I’m super excited to announce that we’ve recently joined Pledge 1%, whose mission is to inspire, educate and empower every company to be a force for good through a pledge of 1% of equity, product, profit, and/or employee time to their communities. It was the perfect combination of giving back and providing meaningful help in an area we excel in.

So on to my questions:

❓ does anyone in my network have experience in being part of the Pledge 1% program and would you be willing to share how you implement it at your organization? Any success stories?

❓ We have decided to pledge our time and product, and are currently brainstorming the best ways to find folks that could benefit the most from that.
Do you know any not-for-profit organizations needing help getting their revenue metrics in order for their board or other external stakeholders? Is that you?

Shoot me an email or contact us below – you know me, all feedback is highly welcome!