Happy New Fiscal Quarter/Year to all who celebrate!

New quarter, time to reflect on last quarter’s performance and establish new goals!

If you go back to my first post this year, I mentioned my personal resolution to post and interact more frequently on LinkedIn because I think sharing your goals publicly can help keep you accountable… so, feel free to let me know how am I doing? Any topics you’d like to see me expand on? New formats?

To continue with that spirit of accountability, community building, and transparency, here’s some of the goals that we’ve set for ourselves at ForecaaS Software Inc. this quarter:

➡ Formalize our Pledge 1% program ⬅

I talked last week that we joined the @Pledge 1% program during last quarter, and we plan to fully integrate this into our corporate structure and find our first recipients this quarter. This is one of the goals we’re most excited about because it’s so directly aligned with our values.

Check out my previous post if you wanna learn more about why we signed up and if you have suggestions, past experience with the program, or are a not-for-profit looking for some help, please message me! 🙏

➡ Implement our new GTM strategy ⬅

We spent a big portion of last quarter updating content, building new material, and fine-tuning our messaging, and now it’s time to further dive into scaling our outbound messaging efforts with Apollo.io which we’re a *BIG* fan of so far. 

Great intuitive platform, awesome segmentation capabilities, and lots of helpful content, Joshua Garrison and James A. O’Sullivan‘s webinars are particularly insightful. 💡

➡ Increase our Salesforce App Exchange Reviews ⬅

You know the line about the noise made by a tree falling in the forest… Well, if an app is highly successful in its offering (if we do say so ourselves 😉 ) but there’s limited social proof to confirm it, does it make a sound? We know how much potential buyers rely on real reviews from their peers and we want them to have the same confidence our customers have in what we do. 🔥  

Now this is of course the high-level version, each one breaks down into specific KPIs to look at and tactical strategies to implement because the only thing better than having a goal is having a S.M.A.R.T. one.

Any personal, departmental, or org-wide goals you want to share? You know where to find me to discuss further.

And either way, here’s to crushing all of them in the next 3 months!