Relevance, expansion and stickiness!

If you remember my post from last week, I talked about how you can stay sticky through a big organizational shift like a merger or an acquisition.

But barring a shift like that, a similarly effective way to stay entrenched is showing how you can solve problems in other departments or areas of business.

Let’s take a look at a quick example:

🚨 A common issue in many SaaS orgs is the amount of disconnected, department-specific platforms that pull from Salesforce but don’t have access to the right data in a timely manner.

🔎 This can be particularly true of Customer Success and their platforms.

These are typically used to look at an active customer base and track renewals, measure churn, engagement and help determine best practices for when and how to reach out.

💀 Issues arise when the fields that are pulled from are incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistently updated (or worse nonexistent) which can mean renewal conversations happening too late, missed upsell opportunities, and shaky onboarding.

💡 After deploying ARRow, our customers benefit from precise ARR calculations in a reliable and repeatable manner. The data produced complements the standard existing dataset in Salesforce, with all subscription-related important fields & metrics, no integration required!

⚡ As such, we’ve helped our customers get that output pulled into their Customer Success platforms of choice and provided more accurate breakdowns of currently active contracts, renewal dates, ARR details by opportunity line items, and other ARRow calculated revenue metrics.

So even though our main end users are those in RevOps, a helpful byproduct is that Customer Success teams can also benefit from more accurate customer data to help them get their job done, even in their department specific platforms like ChurnZero or Planhat.

Being able to move from solution provider (we hired your solution to do X) to trusted advisor (could you help us with…?) is one of the keys to unlock these valuable insights and identify new ways to help your clients in addition to the core job to be done.

It is not the only way, an ongoing discovery during implementation and after will also help uncover some of these pain points that your solution can help with.

Customer Success teams have an enormous amount of responsibilities to juggle, which is why we see the rise of these kinds of platforms to begin with.

But they are only as good as the data that they receive, so however we can help make that happen, we’re on it!

🔥 Let’s supercharge Customer Success with ARRow

Stay sticky my friends!

And as always, DMs are open to continue the conversation.