Category: Building a business

  • Behind the curtain

    Behind the curtain

    5 reasons why we decided to share snippets of our internal customer research over on the ForecaaS Software Inc. page (follow us there if you aren’t already!): 1️⃣ Real-life insight into buying decisions is critical but can also be hard to get! 2️⃣ We had some great a-ha moments that might be helpful to other sellers (or buyers!)…

  • Cheers to the Tinkerers!

    Cheers to the Tinkerers!

    The dig-deepers.The data digesters.The experimenters.The quality assurers.The solution builders.The process pioneers.The layman translators.The continuous iterators.The persistent questioners.The complexity unravellers.The brave flip-the-switchers.The spaghetti-code destroyers.The configurers and field mappers. All those special personality traits keep organizations everywhere a well-oiled machine even when its owners tend to fly under the radar. If you have that team member that…

  • Happy New Fiscal Quarter/Year to all who celebrate!

    Happy New Fiscal Quarter/Year to all who celebrate!

    New quarter, time to reflect on last quarter’s performance and establish new goals! If you go back to my first post this year, I mentioned my personal resolution to post and interact more frequently on LinkedIn because I think sharing your goals publicly can help keep you accountable… so, feel free to let me know…

  • Pledge 1%

    Pledge 1%

    Question(s) for the audience! If you’ve been following my posts for the last few months, a recurring theme is the importance of empathy in the corporate world – for your potential buyers, end users, employees, and self as a leader. Outside of being a founder, I’m also a human, a father, a spouse and have…

  • Another PLG?

    Another PLG?

    Last week, I talked about the ways in which we incorporate strategies of PLG (or product led growth) at ForecaaS Software Inc. but there’s another “PLG” that’s just as, if not more important – Personal Leadership Growth (yes I made that up but go with me here 😄 ). Everyone who’s started their own business has had…

  • To PLG or not to PLG?

    To PLG or not to PLG?

    📣 For anyone that needs to hear it: Product Led Growth is not incompatible with Customer Led Growth! The PLG name might be deceiving particularly in the B2B SaaS world but being product led doesn’t mean letting the product department make all the decisions on how your solution is built and it’s roadmap (sorry fellow…